What to Expect from an Anterior Hip Replacement
For most people, hip pain starts as a small ache and gets worse over time as their hip joint keeps breaking down. Your doctor may treat your hip without surgery depending on how much pain you're in...
Hip Labral Tear Surgeon in Knoxville, TN
Best Hip Labral Tear Clinic in Eastern Tennessee Hip labral tears are a significant concern for many patients, leading to discomfort and impacting daily activities. If you’re experiencing hip or...
New Platform Prioritizes Transparent Pricing While Expanding Direct Payment Experience for Patients
HealthMe™ ( and Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance announced their partnership today, which will provide their patients a next generation digital payment and price transparency...
Top Questions to Ask During Your First Orthopedic Appointment
Having your first orthopedic appointment? When you go to an orthopedic doctor for the first time, it can be hard to know where to start. Planning questions to ask ahead of time can help both you and...
Rotator Cuff Tear or Impingement: Common Causes of Shoulder Pain
Shoulder injuries are very common in young, athletic people and the aging population. There are numerous causes of shoulder pain with the two most commonly occurring in the small space between the...
Common Orthopedic Injuries to Avoid This Summer
Summer is here, you know what that means; good weather and outdoor fun! The more active one becomes, the higher risk of injury. From sports injuries to overuse from yard work, here are some of the...
National Osteoporosis Month 2022
Regardless of age, race, or gender, healthy bones are vital for everyone. Bones are living tissues that are constantly regenerated and destroyed. Medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle...
Golf Injury Prevention: 10 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy On And Off The Golf Course
Think golf isn’t dangerous? After all, it’s not like football or hockey where high-velocity impacts are part of the game. And yet, thousands of golfers are injured every year. Just because golf is...
5 Top Skiing Injuries & How to Avoid Them
As the most popular winter sport, skiing can provide many health benefits. Not to mention it’s great fun. However, there are a number of injuries associated. Learn more.
Ribbon Cutting on Bearden Hill
On Friday, August 13th at 10:30am we celebrated the opening of our third Quick Care Ortho Clinic location on Bearden Hill with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Although the location officially opened last year, guidelines at the time did not permit a formal celebration. This belated ceremony follows the opening of Quick Care Ortho Sevierville in May 2019.
A Career Comes Full Circle
Read the City Lifestyle article about Dr. Justin Kennon MD.
Region’s First Guided Personalized Surgery Performed at Parkwest Medical Center
Justin Kennon, MD, orthopedic surgeon at Parkwest Medical Center performed the region’s first shoulder replacement surgery using new GPS technology.