Fracture Care Specialist
Knoxville’s Best Choice for Fracture Care Specialists in Eastern Tennessee

Fracture Care Specialist
Our team of Fracture Care specialists is who you need to see for your fracture. No one knows the body like an orthopedist and no one can get you back to your daily activities faster. No matter what type of fracture you may have, from Simple to Comminuted, Open or Closed, Displaced or Non-Displaced, we are the Fracture experts in East Tennessee.
- Upper arm
- Elbow
- Wrist
- Finger
- Hip
- Thigh
- Leg
- Foot/Stress
- Toes
Broken bones are a part of life. If you suspect you’ve incurred a hand fracture, hip fracture, arm fracture, or some other broken bone, schedule your appointment to see a fracture care specialist at Tennessee Orthopaedic Specialists right away. The sooner you get the fracture care you need, the better your chances of healing correctly and avoiding lifetime limitations such as pain and range of motion issues. With offices throughout East Tennessee, there’s a Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinic near you to serve you close to home.
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Loss of motion in the affected limb
- Pain when putting weight on the affected limb
- Deformity – Sometimes, you can see that your limb or appendage is bent in an unnatural way. This is not the case for all fractures.
You’re just taken a fall or had an accident, and you’re wondering, “Is it broken?” Though the only way to know for sure whether or not you have fractured a bone is to have an X-ray or an MRI, there are some common symptoms of a fracture that you can look for as soon as the injury occurs. Commons symptoms of a bone fracture include:

We see patients with broken bones in almost every area of the body, but some locations are more prone to breaks that others. Common fractures we treat at Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance include:
- Hip fractures – Hip fracture treatment often includes piecing the broken bones back together with pins or screws. In some cases, a partial hip replacement or total hip replacement may be necessary.
- Wrist fractures – Wrist fractures are usually caused by falls and sports injuries. Treatment for the delicate bones of the wrist requires expert care to preserve the range of motion necessary in the wrist.
- Hand fractures – Like wrist fractures, specialized hand fracture care is needed to preserve the motion and function of a broken hand. Our fracture care specialists are experts in the proper care of broken hands and fingers.
- Arm fractures – The quintessential injury of childhood, arm fractures can actually occur at any age. Treatment for a broken arm usually involves a cast or splint, though in some cases it may require surgery.
- Elbow fractures – Proper treatment for an elbow fracture means preserving the function of the joint so that healing leads to full range of motion without pain.
- Leg fractures – Fractures of the lower leg, knee, or upper leg can be especially life-altering because they inhibit our ability to get around. Our fracture care specialists focus their leg fracture care on getting the patient back on their feet as soon as possible while still achieving full restoration of leg function.
- Foot fractures – Broken feet and broken toes are very common injuries, often caused by dropping a heavy object on the foot. Our fracture care specialists work with the delicate bones of the feet to make sure they heal correctly and preserve the strength and stability of the foot.
The first step to treating a broken bone is to find the exact location and type of break. Once the fracture is diagnosed, your fracture care specialist will set the bone into proper healing position and then immobilize it with a cast, sling or brace depending on the location of your injury. If the break is not displaced, a simple setting and casting is likely all the treatment needed to help your broken bone heal correctly.
For more complicated breaks in which the bone is displaced on either side of the break, the broken bone protrudes through the skin, or if other structures in the joint are damaged as well, surgery may be necessary. Our fracture care surgeons at Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance always aim to provide the most conservative treatments possible, so we opt for minimally invasive and arthroscopic surgery whenever appropriate. Our goal is to get you back to the activities you love with as little downtime as possible.
The fracture care specialists at Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance believe that providing excellent care starts with being a part of the communities we serve. If you think you’ve experienced a fracture, make your appointment at one of our locations in Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Lenoir City or Sevierville today.
We provide our patients that might need fracture care with More Locations and Convenient Fracture Care in East Tennessee, including Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Lenoir City and Sevierville.
Our Fracture Care Surgeons
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