Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) & Labral Tear of the Hip
Knoxville’s Best Choice for Hip Impingement and Labral Tear Treatment in Eastern Tennessee

Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) & Labral Tear of the Hip
Femoroacetabular impingement, also known as FAI, is a condition that occurs when excess bone growth in and around the hip joint causes pain and damage to soft tissues such as cartilage and ligaments. The femoral head, which sits at the top of your thigh bone or femur, doesn’t make smooth contact with either side of your hip socket, resulting in impingement. The bone grows into areas where it shouldn’t be, causing pain and swelling.
The main symptom of FAI is pain, though it can vary from patient to patient. The location and character of your pain will depend on which structures are affected.
Common Symptoms of Impingement:
- Anterior hip pain
- Gluteal tenderness
- Inability to perform squats without severe discomfort
- Posterior hip or groin pain

The way you treat hip impingement will depend on your FAI grade and where it is located. If you are in a lot of pain or affecting your hip movement, your doctor might recommend surgery to help alleviate these symptoms. Typically, surgery involves removing damaged parts of bone or cartilage from your joint and placing implants where needed.
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